About Us

Follow your passion, and success will follow you

Haya by Rabi: Painting Dreams, Stitching Hope

In the heart of Pakistan, where talent and compassion converge, the story of Haya by Rabi unfolds— It's the story of Rabi Pirzada, who decided to switch from singing to something even more beautiful—helping others. Let's dive into the inspiring tale of Haya by Rabi!

Rabi Pirzada, known for her sweet tunes, she is a renowned former pop singer, actor, and TV host, whose journey from the glitzy world of showbiz to the realm of philanthropy and art is nothing short of inspiring. In 2019, she said goodbye to the fancy lights of showbiz and embraced a new mission—spreading art and kindness. That's when the Rabi Pirzada Foundation was born.

Rabi Pirzada Foundation is a registered non-profit organization in Pakistan committed to aiding the deserving and educating the children of Pakistan. In a country where many children are forced into labor instead of attending school, Rabi embarked on a mission to provide free and quality education. The proceeds from her remarkable artwork became the driving force behind her noble causes.

Focusing on women empowerment, Rabi addressed the challenges faced by women in the community. She provided stitching machines to deserving women and initiated training centers offering courses in stitching, embroidery, and beautician skills. But there was a twist—due to local culture and lack of education, some recipients sold their machines for money. No worries! Rabi came up with a clever plan💡. She established stitching centers, to ensure proper utilization of resources and provide sustainable job opportunities for these talented women.

And then, she named it "Haya." Not just a brand, but a magical word that symbolizes dignity and modesty. Haya by Rabi became a stage for amazing creations crafted by talented women supported by the Rabi Pirzada Foundation. To reach a wider audience, an online platform, hayabyrabi.com, was launched. Rabi's relentless efforts to standardize product quality set Haya apart in a competitive market.

Rabi's secret to success? Keeping things simple and making sure everything is top-notch but affordable. It worked like magic. Rabi extended the reach of Haya by Rabi by establishing physical shops in Lahore and Rawalpindi. Now, widows and those in need aren't just surviving—they're thriving with a new source of income. The brand not only uplifts the Rabi Pirzada Foundation but also serves as a testament to the potential of compassion-driven business.

Haya by Rabi isn't just a brand; it is a movement, a testament to the transformative power of art, education, and empowerment making a positive change in Pakistan. Rabi Pirzada's energy, determination, and kindness have turned this brand into a symbol of inspiration. It's a reminder that every little effort—every brushstroke, every stitch—can make our country brighter and better.

So, let Haya by Rabi be the spark that lights up dreams and stitches hope into the fabric of our beautiful Pakistan!


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Lisa John

Fashion Design

Jane Doe


Cartherin Forres

Marketing Director